• 6 – Builder – Invokes the CNTL Builder/Editor. • 7 – Installer – Invokes the PICT Control CDEF Installer. • 8 – TextPages – Opens the demo’s standard text display window and displays the specified page(s) of text. The high order byte of the low order word of the reference constant should contain a number which, when multiplied by 100, will yield the ID of the first TEXT resource to be displayed. Thus if the byte contains the number 8, the window will attempt to display TEXT resource 800. If there are a series of TEXT resources (in this case IDs: 801, 802, 803, and so on) the page-left and page-right buttons will be enabled. If the TEXT resource begins with ^c the text will be centered, if it begins with ^r it will be right justified, and if it begins with ^l, or no special code at all, it will be left justified. • 9 – ErrorTest – Generates an artificial error to test the onboard error manager. (I Don’t know why you’d want to do it, but it’s there if you’re so inclined.)